
    General Council Members

    Sl.No. Name E-mail Id Phone No
    1. Mr. Rajesh Aggrawal,

    Secretary, DEPwD

    secretaryda-msje[at]nic[dot]in 011-24369055
    2. Shri Rajesh Kumar Yadav,

    Joint Secretary, DEPwD

    jsda-msje[at]nic[dot]in 011-24364394
    3. Ms. Debolina Thakur,

    JS&FA M/oSJE, Shastri Bhawan, New Delhi

    jsfa-mosje[at]gov[dot]in 011-23073598
    4. Ms. A Srija, Economic Advisor,

    Department of School Education and Literacy, Room No. 107-D  Shastri Bhawan, New Delhi- 01

    srija[dot]a[at]gov[dot]in 11-23387781
    5. Sh. Ajay Tewari,

    JS & Director General of Labour Welfare, Ministry of Labour and Employment, Jaisalmer House. CISF, New Delhi, Delhi 110001

    ajaytewari93[at]nic[dot]in 23389688,
    6. Sh. Vishal Chauhan,

    Joint Secretary,

    Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi

    js[dot]policy-mohfw[at]gov[dot]in 23061740,
    7. Sh. Mrutyunjay Behera,

    Economic Advisor (HE),

    Dept of Higher Education, Ministry of Education, 109-C, Shastri Bhawan, New Delhi

    Mrutyunjay[dot]b[at]nic[dot]in 1123381484
    8. Prof. M Pushpavathi,

    Director, AIISH,

    director[at]aiishmysore[dot]in 9449323811
    9. Dr. Suman Kumar, Director,

    Director Ali Yavar Jung National Institute for Speech and Hearing Disabilities (Divyangjan) AYJNISHD, Mumbai- 050.

    ayjnihh-mum[at]nic[dot]in 9867573818
    10. Sh. K. Murali,

    Director, Deaf Leaders Foundation, Coimbatore-641025.

    deafleadersfoundation[at]gmail[dot]com 9894058898
    11. Sh. Zorin Singha,

    President, NAD,

    Mayur Vihar, Phase-I, Delhi-110091.

    zorindaud[at]yahoo[dot]com 9810468499
    12. Shri Sandeep T.K.M.

    President, Deaf Enabled Foundation,  Domalguda, Hyderabad

    tkmsandeep[at]gmail[dot]com 9849116048
    13. Executive Director,

    National Institute of Speech & Hearing, Sreekaryam P.O. Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala

    nishinfo[at]nish[dot]ac[dot]in 9846241024
    (Raji Gopal)
    14. Smt. Usha Punjabi,

    Superintendent, MBS, Indore.

    ushapunjabi[at]yahoo[dot]com 9893266050
    15. Shri Umesh Grover,

    President, Deaf Welfare Association,  Dehradun (Uttarakhand)

    umeshdoon[at]rediffmail[dot]com 8755366588